Statement from Rep. Cabello on Migrant Plane Landing in Rockford

ROCKFORD, IL – The following statement was released by State Representative John M. Cabello in response to a plane transporting migrants lands in Rockford.

“I commend the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department for their efficient handling of the migrant plane arriving at the Rockford airport early Sunday morning. My only wish is that the plane would have been promptly re-fueled to return the migrants to their country of origin. Our area lacks the resources to handle a crisis of this magnitude, so it’s crucial to send a clear message discouraging this from continuing in the future”

Rep Cabello further emphasized, “We are not equipped to handle such influxes without proper planning and resources. The state of Illinois should prioritize our existing residents, their safety, and their economic well-being.”

For questions, please contact State Representative John M. Cabello