Rep. Cabello’s Shred Event

Highland Community College 2998 W. Pearl City Rd, Freeport, IL., Illinois

Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie is hosting a Free Shred Event in Freeport on Saturday, October 5th alongside State Representative John M. Cabello (R-Machesney Park) and the Stephenson County...

Medicare 101

Highland Community College 2998 W. Pearl City Rd, Freeport, IL., Illinois

House Minority Leader Tony McCombie is pleased to announce she will be hosting a “Medicare 101” event in collaboration with the Illinois Department on Aging’s Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)...

IPASS on Demand

Village of Roscoe 10631 Main St, Roscoe, IL, United States

In an effort to help motorists update their IPASS technology to the new stickers that are replacing plastic transponders, State Representative John M. Cabello and Mayor of Roscoe Carol Gustafson...

Rep. Cabello’s 2nd Annual International Business Forum

City of Loves Park Government Building 100 Heart Blvd, Loves Park, IL

Loves Park, IL — State Representative John M. Cabello (R-Machesney Park) is inviting local businesses to attend his 2nd Annual International Business Forum scheduled for December 12th, 2024 at the...

Rep. Cabello’s IPASS on Demand Event – Freeport, IL

City of Freeport 314 West Stephenson Street, Freeport, IL

In an effort to help motorists update their IPASS technology to the new stickers that are replacing plastic transponders, State Representative John M. Cabello (R-Machesney Park ) and Freeport Mayor...

Rep. Cabello’s IPASS on Demand Event – South Beloit

306 Dickop Street 306 Dickop St., South Beloit, IL

In an effort to help motorists update their IPASS technology to the new stickers that are replacing plastic transponders, State Representative John M. Cabello (R-Machesney Park ) and South Beloit...

Rep. Cabello’s Utility Bill Clinic

Freeport Public Library 100 E Douglas St, Freeport, IL

Join the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and State Representative John M. Cabello to learn about how to reduce your energy bulls and tap into money-saving, clean energy programs. Each participant...

Rep. Cabello’s IPASS on Demand Event – Durand, IL

Durand Village Hall 308 West Main Street, Durand, IL

In an effort to help motorists update their IPASS technology to the new stickers that are replacing plastic transponders, State Representative John M. Cabello (R-Machesney Park ) and Durand Mayor...

Rep. Cabello’s Mobile Office Hours Durand

Durand Village Hall 308 West Main Street, Durand, IL

Join us for Rep. Cabello's Mobile Office Hours in Durand. Hosted at the Durand Village Hall, there will be a variety of constituent services provided including: Veteran’s Assistance Road Repair...